Tuesday, April 14, 2009

O.. Hai!

Remember me?

Did you think I got lost and stuck on my trip home from DC? Well, if you live in DC, you know I didn't, else I would have been stalking you all and spending copious amounts of time with you.

Honestly, I don't know why I've been on my own personal blog-vacation, but I have. I guess I feel like life is pretty much the same, ya know? How much do you want to hear about Soren and Caroline, anyway?


You DO want to hear about them? And see pics? My bad.

Really, I've just been pretty sleep deprived because someone I know (name withheld to protect the not-so-innocent) has decided that sleeping is for babies and she's a big girl. Or something. I dunno. I mean, I love spending time with (name removed), but when most of it is spent with loud screaming in my ear? Well, let's just say I've upped my dosage of Tylenol. The sleep deprivation causes me to spend a very limited amount of time on the computer, mainly because when I am slightly awake, I usually have my adorable daughter wailing laying in my arms.

I really do love being a mom. Honest! In fact, I'm anxious to have another child join the ranks of our little clan (which is a totally fitting word because we are Scottish!). Of course, who knows how long THAT will take. Oh well. Heavenly Father obviously wants me to learn patience and none of the many, many, many lessons I have had thus far seem to be working, apparently, or else I wouldn't need any more, right? Hee hee.

Oh, right. You wanted pictures. Unfortunately, my camera is upstairs. So all you get are a few that I took with my phone:

They are so cute! Every few weeks I take a picture of the two of them and stick it as the wallpaper on my phone. This is the latest version I have.

A rare image.... so precious, though!

Our goofy boy being... well... goofy!

So cute!

Ok, that's it for now. I've got "someone" yelling again.

I'll try to get those pics off my camera soon for those that are hungry for more!


Nancy Sabina said...

Thanks for obliging! Those two really are very very cute. I miss Soren's quirky sense of humor.

Tiffini said...

That Soren...I hope you got him a bottle fast. You hang in there ok? And call me whenever you need--I had a screamer too.

April said...

Oh my, she is adorable and that pic of her sleeping in the boppy is so precious!

I hope Caroline runs out of screaming steam soon so you can get some rest!

Merianne said...

I'm hungry for more pics, so send them ASAP! I can't believe how cute Caroline is....simply adorable!

Author said...

I think she just wants to come back to DC! As you may recall, she had a great time while she was here. You can't blame the girl for having an opinion, she does seem to take after her mother...

Those pictures are SO cute!!!