Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Happy No Diet Day!

Today is International No Diet Day!!

Over the past year or so, I have become a big proponent of not dieting. Some people who know me may think - but weren't you just on a diet? And the answer is - no, I was not. I was trying a new approach to eating that was supposed to help my PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) as well as my blood sugar (because I am insulin resistant). It was a personal choice to make certain changes in the food I was eating. I did not consider it a diet because I was not doing it to lose weight, I was doing it to combat health issues that are not related to weight but rather to the way my body digests food. So, now that we have that out of the way . . . .

I don't like diets. I have been on and off of them most of my life, starting in the 5th grade. I've had all kinds of issues with food, many of which I'm not proud of because most of the time my choices were not healthy. So today I say:

Eat when you are hungry!
Eat what you want!
Eat consciously!
Stop when you are full!

May your day be full of joy and may your brain stop counting calories!


Tiffini said...

I think I will go have a piece of cake now.

Missy said...

Amen, Sister!!!

Anonymous said...

so does that mean i can eat my bounty bar today without feeling caloric, fat retaining guilt? hurray! i like that idea... but i did shovel a yard of dirt after doing 220 sit ups of varing nature this morning ;-)

you rock! love the post.