It's been
brought to my attention that this month is
NaBloPoMo - National Blog Posting Month. Maybe this will be a good opportunity for me to regain my posting habits. Ever since our sweet angel entered the world, nothing has been normal, scheduled, or very habit forming. Nothing, that is, except catering to the whims of a very opinionated and vocal almost-four-month-old. We're slowly getting things in order, but this might help. I have no lofty goals of posting every single day, but I'd like to post more often. I'm missing documenting things and that's crappy.
Like last Sunday (Feb. 22nd), Caroline laughed for the first time. It was one of the cutest things I've ever heard! And this morning she woke up WITHOUT crying for the first time ever. It was so nice to just hear her cooing and squealing instead of screaming like a wild banshee. Oh, but don't worry - she still does plenty of screaming! Haha!
So trying - just trying - to post once a day will be an improvement.
Here's a recap of the days of March I've missed already.
March 1st - Sundays mess up any slight sembalance of schedule we've formed in our lives. But that's ok. We'll still go to church! I've got a new responsibility at church now. I'm back in the Primary with the children (shocker!) but I'm NOT leading singing time. This time I'm in the presidency. So that should make our Sundays even that much more interesting. Caroline will get swapped around between me and Alan and, occassionally, I'm sure my parents will get her. In some ways I'm excited to be back in with the kiddos and in other ways I'm wondering if I'll ever spend more than a few months in with the adults again. I'm sure it will come - eventually. Maybe? Haha!
March 2nd - Considering this was only yesterday, it's sad how little I remember. Let me think. Oh yeah! Post-Sunday schedule reformation. I had grand plans to get up, take Soren to chess club, head to the grocery store and pharmacy and be back in time to feed Caroline and then head to Mommy & Me singing time. Bwahaha. Caroline nixed that idea. She decided that eating was over rated until AFTER we dropped Soren off, so I had to come home and feed her. Then she fell asleep and screamed every time I moved (yeah, she fell asleep on me). So I gave up and let her nap. Then the day just was messed up from there. I did manage to finally make it to the grocery store where I carried her around in my new
Moby Wrap which I love. I never thought I'd be into 'baby wearing.' And really, I'm not. But she is such a fussy baby that it's nice to be able to just toss her in the wrap and do what I need to do without her screaming. I bought the wrap because we are flying standby to DC and I won't be taking a stroller or carseat. I needed something to transport her in while wandering the airport for an undisclosed amount of time. Anyway, I'm just loving it - especially as she's becoming awfully hefty to lug around in the carseat and she's not sitting up yet. Wow - tangent! Anyway. I made Coconut Thai Curry Chicken for dinner (not a fan - but my dad and Alan both loved it) and then I was exhausted. A running theme in my life is exhaustion. So then it was Mario Kart and off to bed.
Today was another "this is my plan" kind of day and then Caroline tossed a wrench or two in that, so I am grateful I was able to get a few things done between the feeding, cuddling, snuggling, playing, and loving. I also got a phone call about soccer this morning that caused a domino effect to my day. Apparently our first game is on Saturday so our first practice is on Thursday. This caused me to have to reschedule Soren's piano lessons to Tuesdays (it would have made his Thursdays horrible to keep them there) and - guess what? - today is Tuesday. So off we went right after school to piano lessons. Then it was home to cook dinner one handed because Caroline was screaming. I actually had to pause and feed her in the middle - good thing it was Taco night! So now it is after 10pm. I'm going to play one round of Mario Kart and then call it good. I'll switch laundry in the morning and attempt to tackle my bedroom (for the hundredth time) after my doctor's appointment tomorrow morning.
Yes, I am addicted to Mario Kart.