Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Another Sad One....

Don't worry - I am not all post-partum depression-ing. I know what depression feels like and I am perfectly happy. However, I am beyond frustrated/sad in regards to Caroline's eating situation. Yesterday I pumped quite a few times while I fed her a bottle. You know what? I don't make enough milk to feed an ant. So that's fun.

I took her to the doctor's today and she is down another 2 ounces. This puts her one ounce shy of being down an entire pound since she was born. This has me very sad. I cried at her appointment. I know it's not my fault, I just feel bad for her and I want to fix it. Plus, ya know, after being infertile for almost 10 years I didn't need any help feeling like I wasn't 'woman enough.' Now I have crappy milk supply.... so first I can't make a baby and then I can't feed a baby? That is really frustrating.

I know there are ways to increase milk supply and I am trying them. However, I also have to deal with the fact that I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and that can effect milk supply because it messes with all your hormones. So it may just be that I am simply unable to nurse. But I'm giving it my best. I'm just sad about it is all.

Really, that's been consuming my world - well, that and staring at my little princess. She is such a doll. See?


Judith said...

She's adorable! And she looks content. P.S. Is your Target list up to date? Santa may send something. :-).

April said...

:-( You're a great mommy, and you love your little one to pieces. I know, in the middle of it all it feels like you're failing her and there's nothing I can say that would take away all the hard times....bleah. that's all I got. I will say again that I can't wait for chicken nugget days. I love them as babies, but the first months of feedings are ROUGH! Argh.

Missy said...

Women, you have a clone!!! SO so cute. Don't worry eventually everything rights it self whether you bottle feed or nurse. (I didn't make enough milk for my #1...similar to the feeding an ant situation you mentioned.)

You are still an amazing women, because you nurture, love beyond capacity, and are the glue that keeps a family together! Sounds women enough for me. ;)

Nancy Sabina said...

I'm so sorry life is being tough on you. I know that you know that you shouldn't feel like you are failing in any way - but maybe you need to hear it one more time. You're a good Mommy. She's lucky to have you. You guys will be OK. (But also - that totally sucks. Life bites. Why can't things just work out the way you want for ONCE! and all that empathy stuff.)

Jen said...

I'm sorry that you're so frustrated. You are a good mommy, even if your body doesn't want to cooperate. I know lots of women who couldn't produce enough milk, so you're not alone! I know you'll do whatever it takes to ensure that she gets her fill. Wish I was there to comfort you and help.

Happy Wanderers said...

She is SO cute! I'm sorry about the milk thing--it does happen and it doesn't mean by ANY means that you're a bad mom!!