Monday, March 31, 2008

Another Monday....

I finally got off my duff today and went to water aerobics. It's been a few weeks since I found the energy to go and of course I realized today how much I missed it! I shall be having a talk with myself about attending class and be very stern! No more sluffing!

This weekend we had plans to do many things but I'm afraid very little of them actually happened. We were going to go downtown to the Cherry Blossom Festival, but it didn't happen. I remember very little of Saturday, actually, but I do know the boys cleaned the bathrooms (hurrah!). Also, there was basketball. Oh! I did finally catch up on birthday cards for family. So if you had a birthday in February/March, they are going in the mail today! And I am going to try and keep on top of things for the next few months. And hopefully I can hand deliver all of the July cards! :)

Another fabulous thing that happened on Saturday is that my sweet, wonderful, awesome husband fixed the annoying noise that was coming from my computer!!! The fan on my graphics card (yes, my graphics card is so awesome it has it's own fan haha) died and was making the most horrible noise ever. After much poking around, we figured out that it was the fan and we went to the store and bought a new one. My graphics card is my baby and I need it to do my work, so this was very important!

Otherwise the week has been like most weeks. Work, piano lessons, scouts, voice lessons, homework, school. . . you know the drill. Alan did have to work late on Friday. What a lousy day to work late!!!

Ok, I have a lot to do today! My On Stage class starts up again this afternoon and I have lots to do to get ready for it! Also, it's Monday so - short day at school. Soren is usually home before 2pm. That doesn't leave me a ton of time to get things done.

Bye for now!


Tiffini said...

I miss water aerobics. *sigh*

Ie Li said...

I'm so sad that I will be missing all of the cherry blossom festival while I'm in California. I love California, but it's not my home anymore. I love Virginia!

Happy Wanderers said...

I wish I had water aerobics to go to! Maybe I should learn how to do it and start a class here? There's a pool at the embassy...Want to come and teach it??? :P