Friday, March 21, 2008


Can you believe it's Friday?

Personally, I'm still in shock that the week moved along so quickly, especially as I wasn't terribly busy. Our Spring Break has been very relaxing and that has been so wonderful for us all!

We did end up going to the library. Alan picked up a book about wood refinishing as well as a book on CD, I picked up a book called An Abundance of Katherines and Soren came out with a stack of books I can't remember the names of because there were so many. I know he has read at least one since then, but he'll get to the rest. He does love to read! This is a very common conversation at our house:

Soren: Can I play on the Wii/Xbox/Computer/etc.?
Me: Not right now. Why don't you go and read?
Soren: Yes! (said under his breath all excited-like) Ok, Mom!

Granted the conversation doesn't always turn out like that, but it does frequently enough and that makes me smile. It probably helps that Alan and I are usually wandering around the house/world carrying a book with us. I went to lunch with a friend a couple of weeks ago and she laughed when I pulled a book out of my purse. Yes, I do frequently carry a book with me wherever I go. Hey, when you spend a lot of time in the waiting area of a doctor's office, you learn to be prepared!

Moving on to the remainder of our Spring Break. The zoo just never happened. The weather has been iffy, at best, so we opted to stay home. Soren did get out my bike earlier this week. The reason he got out my bike is because about a year or so ago his bike (along with 2 other bikes in our backyard) was stolen. We were very sad about this. The sadness turned to anger, however, when my bike was also stolen this week. We thought it would be safe in our backyard. We thought the hooligans who had stolen our bikes, slashed our tires (yes, twice in one week), and caused our neighbors to call the police to have them do routine drive bys in our neighborhood had given up. We were wrong. We now have no bikes. And in my opinion there is no point in getting any new ones until we are in a different place where we can store them more safely. It's sad that people do things like this. I'm trying to not be angry about it, but it's hard. My boys love to bike, but that won't be happening again until we move somewhere else.

But all is not lost! We did not let the evil thief get us too down in the dumps! Instead we raised our spirits by doing taxes! I jest, of course, because doing taxes at our house never raises our spirits. However, with the help of my sister (THANK YOU, TIFFY!), we were able to work out enough deductions that we don't have to pay nearly as much as I thought we were going to have to pay. So for all of you getting refunds, count your blessings!!!

Gosh, I'm making our Spring Break sound really awful! But honestly, it hasn't been! Aside from the taxes and the thieving, we really have had a pleasant time. Today Alan is going to watch more of the NCAA tournament and work on my music cabinet that he has been making for me for.... a while. I am going to go help a friend organize some of the areas of her house and hopefully also be able to go visit my friend who is in the hospital. I am not sure what Soren's plans are. Yesterday he had a friend over for a good portion of the day and he really enjoyed that. Maybe he'll help Alan with the cabinet. Maybe he'll go outside and play. Maybe he'll go to a friend's house. I'm not sure, but he'll have fun doing it! He still can't believe it's Friday.

Ok, my tummy is rumbling (I feel like Winnie-the-Pooh!), so I'm going to go find some honey! Erm... or breakfast. Yeah, that'd be good!


Nancy Sabina said...

Yeah for Spring Break! I'm glad you guys are having a good time. I know how you feel about the bikes. Did I tell you my double-stroller was stolen out of our car recently? I think it was while we were at home, but I'm not sure. It makes me sad because anyone in our neighborhood knows that we NEED a double stroller. It's sad when you get reminders of how much some people suck.
Enjoy your last few days with your boys at home!

Tiffini said...

You need to move back out west where this is no crime and everyone lives happy lives in our Western Utopia. Come, join us, and bring bikes!! (or buy them out here.)

Tiffini said...

Oh and I am sure that taxes are lower for everyone in the west. So, come enjoy tax refunds and backyards where bikes are safe. :)