Monday, March 10, 2008

I've Become A Theif!

I stole this one from my cousin. Thanks, Jill!

I find this odd simply because I think vanilla is so boring. Oh well! In my heart I will always be cake batter. Mmmmmm!

I thought I'd take a few minutes and give a more substantial update while I'm here. It's stupid early, but I'm afraid sleep just isn't happening for me this morning. I've been up since 4am and gave up trying to get back to sleep after about 45 minutes.

It's been a little nutty around these parts the past few days. Lucky for me, most of my week was relaxing. I didn't have much going on Thursday or Friday, so it was nice to relax. I had the chance to visit with my friend April, who is now in the hospital for the duration of her pregnancy. Bummer! I also was able to get a few things done for work, take a few naps, and just generally relax. This was nice.

Saturday all the relaxing came to a stop, though. I had trouble sleeping on Saturday morning and since everyone in the house was up by 7am, I put together a grocery list and headed to the store around 8am. Upon returning, I realized what a mess my kitchen was, so while putting away the groceries I organized a few cupboards and cleaned out the fridge. It was great to get that one off of my 'to-do list.' After that, I wanted to take a nap. However, that was not in the cards. Instead, while my boys lounged about watching sports, I got ready for my Musical Theatre Shows and headed out the door for a majority of my day.

Thank goodness that is over.

The shows went well. The first one I felt really good about, but that is because I had my 7 strongest performers in it. They did a great job! The second show was a lot crazy because I had 14 of my 15 kids (one was in Italy.... oh to be 6 and go to Italy.... ha!) in that show. THAT was nuts. However, they did really well. The only major screw up was my fault and they made it work. By the end I was totally exhausted. Totally. I came home a little before 8pm, crawled onto the couch, and did not move until almost 11pm. Even then, it was only to transport myself from the couch to my bed, where I promptly fell asleep.

Our next show is Pinocchio: No Strings Attached. Part of me is a little sentimental about this one, as Pinocchio was the very first musical I was in when I was 4 years old. AWWWW! Lookit!

I was such a cutie! And I was supposed to have my eyes closed. Even back then I didn't take direction well. This is why I'm a director, not an actor. Haha! I think I'll bring in the photo to show the kids when we start - remind them all that I used to be just like them. Only not nearly so loud and obnoxious. No, seriously. I was SUCH a shy little girl. I'm not kidding - stop looking at me like that. I really was - just ask my mom.

Anyway - rehearsals for that start on March 25th. The show is on June 7th. I then get to turn around a run a 2 week music/theatre/art camp. But let's not go there. Yet.

Sunday was just like any other Sunday. Nothing exciting to report. I don't think. Am I missing something? Oh - I didn't have a voice after almost 2 hours of straight singing. There were a lot of songs incorporated into Sharing Time this week. That's ok, though. I've totally recovered.

Today is the performance for my On Stage class. I'm a little nervous. Both for them and for myself. I still need to print off certificates for them all, grab a little treat, make sure I have all the props we need, and be ready to go by 3:30pm. I hope the kids have spent the last week realizing how serious I was about them being memorized and ready to go. *sighs*

One more sessions of On Stage to get through before summer hits. I don't work that job in the summer, so that will be a nice break.

I realized that I spend most of my time on my blog talking about myself. If there was something interesting to report on the boys, I would. However, it's just been 'same old, same old' with them. Work, school, piano lessons, scouts, basketball.... ya know - boy stuff. Hee hee.

Ok, I'm going to go lay down and see if I can manage to get a bit more sleep.


Nancy Sabina said...

Awwwww - you're so cute! And...shy? Well - we all change as we grow I guess. Otherwise I'd be a punk.

Jill said...

Cute picture! I didn't know you were in plays when you were that little. Or maybe I did - I just forgot. And you're welcome for the quiz. I've taken that thing four times and every time it tells me I'm coffee. Oh well. Whatever. I'm a big girl. I can take it.

Tiffini said...

You are a thief, not a theif ;) The quiz told me I was coffee too. I have been having moral dilemmas about posting that.