Thursday, June 12, 2008

Remember the time....

A while back I made a post about the Cookie Monster. I cherish my childhood memories probably more than I should. But what bothers me most is when companies change classic icons to be politically correct. Like the Cookie Monster. Well, they've done it again. I knew Strawberry Shortcake got a makeover a while back, but now she apparently needs another one.

Here is the original Strawberry Shortcake:

Cute as a button. Look at her! That's the Strawberry Shortcake I know and love. She's cute, lovable, and just the way I remember her.

Then they modernized her. She currently looks like this:

Ok, it's modern. She's wearing jeans. Her clothes are a little more up to date. They've changed her face a bit. I still recognize her. I miss her cute dress and bigger, sillier hat, but I get it. Appeal to the age/times/etc. She's still eating her cookies and all that. She's still, BASICALLY, Strawberry Shortcake. I, of course, still prefer the original.

Fast forward to now. Ugh. Here is what were are going to be seeing soon:


I am more than bothered by what they have done to her appearance, but don't even get me started on the changes they are going to be making to the show. Just like Cookie Monster, Strawberry Shortcake is going to be changing as well. No more gumdrops and cookies and sweets that totally make up her world. No. They are going to be more "Fruit Forward." I am not making this up.

What happen to the days when we could just enjoy cartoons for what they were? Why do they have to be all about messages now? I didn't start shoving sugar down my throat at 4 years old because I watched this show and owned quite a bit of the merchandise related to it. So now they are completely revamping the show, the characters, the premise.... they have even removed the villain.

I hate how politically correct and, forgive the expression, 'sugar-coated' the world is today. I hate how people try to protect their children from everything instead of letting them experience life. I'm tired of how sheltered so many kids are these days.

Can't we just leave these memories of the past as they are and let them be? Stop trying to modernize it and make it all 'correct.' Just leave it in the past instead of messing around with it.

You see, it's not really about The Cookie Monster or Strawberry Shortcake. It's more about parenting. And how companies are playing into political nonsense. I'm just sick of seeing it everywhere I turn. I'm sick of having to explain to my son why I disagree with things he's being taught at school. I've been on the verge of writing notes and making phone calls this year because of some of the requirements he's had to fulfill. Ugh.

So, I'm a nostalgic crazy person. I know. But I also am annoyed at the politics involved in these changes.

And that, my friends, is all I can muster today. :)


Nancy Sabina said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I've seen that middle Strawberry Shortcake - Naomi watches it sometimes. And I was ready to defend her as still being basically the same girl, just wearing jeans. But that new one is just skanky! Why can't they leave sweet things sweet? And taking out the sweet's and the villan is just silly.
And don't even get me started on what they teach at schools these days. I had a chat with a neighbor recently who was talking about a certain bad habit of her 6 year olds and told me that they had a chat and her response to him was "that's a normal thing that everybody does but you need to do it alone in your bedroom." (if you catch my drift) I know that's what most of the world believes but ICK! ... Anyway... you probably wish I hadn't gone there. Feel free to delete this comment it you don't want it on your blog.

Merianne said...

AMEN Sister! This politically correct BS is just about putting me over the edge.

Tiffini said...

She looks a little too grown up. SIGH why can't kids just be kids for a while. Why does the world have to try to make kids think they have to act grown up!!!

Kellie Griffin said...

WHAT?! Why can't they leave a good thing alone. There was no need to change Strawberry Shortcake, she was just fine the way she was. I agree with Tiffini; this need to make kids so grown up is just absurd!
by the way, thanks so much for the links on publishing. We'll for sure look into them. And I'll keep you posted on when we have it finalized :)

Jen said...

PC cartoons! Why can't they let kids be kids. Hopefully they don't ever decide to redo the Smurfs.

Happy Wanderers said...

I hear you!! No more cutesy. They not only have to have a "good message" in the cartoon, but the lead characters have to be skanky and "grown-up" so that the kids will think they're cool (or something), and of COURSE there's no villain. There is no such thing as bad guys. They're just people making different choices. Whatever.
Makes me think of Big Wheels. We've been looking for a new one for Josh, and came upon one that we liked and started to read the reviews. I laughed so hard I almost cried! The first one said "My son crashed on his bike going down a hill! It's a terrible bike! It should be outlawed!" And the rest of the comments were along the lines of "suck it up and let your kid fall and get some scratches! It'll do him some good!" Made me a have a little bit more faith in humankind.
(sorry about the novel...)

Anonymous said...

May I suggest starting a petition? Afterall, you've got a large and supportive audience.

As for PC and school teachings, well sorry to all you Bush supports, and believe me when I say I am no political correspondent, but I know the mark of one Laura Bush when I see it. Every child left behind while no child is left a dime.

Kids are not aloud to be kids beyond school age and that is criminal in itself. If I didn't love my children so much I'd seriously homeschool. However there are many drawbacks to that philosophy too.

Poor Strawberry.. she's now just another product of hip-hop, gangsta style looks and maybe even attitude. Nothing is safe or sacred anymore. :-( boo

Anonymous said...

Oh... hehe.. I was OBVIOUSLY really tired when I wrote my comment. Alas aloud should be replaced with ALLOWED. I was half asleep :-)