Tuesday, October 28, 2008

And the results are in!!!

I know, I sound all excited, but I'm not! Haha!

I officially have PIH - Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (aka toxemia or preeclampsia). Fun, huh? I know, you want it to, but you can't have it cuz I'm not sharing! The strange thing is, I know all the signs to look for with PIH because they were concerned when I was pregnant with Soren that I'd develop it and I never did. So I'm like - uh, where's the symptoms? Haha! However, I'm not going to argue with the doctor. I like him too much to argue. Of course now I don't even know if he'll deliver me because I'm being sent to a high-risk doctor type person on Monday for a consultation.

As for my liver, 2 of the 4 tests they did came back abnormal. I am waiting to hear what THAT means for me. Luckily the itching has decreased signifigantly, so hopefully that is a good sign. I also managed to get an ok night of sleep last night without Benadryl. Of course my hips are sore because of all the laying about I've had to do the past few days, so that caused some problems. Yeah, it's all just one big complaint after another, isn't it? I *must* be getting close to delivery, right?

Oh - and I threw up this morning.


So now I feel like I'm back in my first trimester, nibbling on saltines and sipping water. I don't want saltines, though. I want a big ol' hamburger. Oh well!

Anyway, that's the update. I'll see my doctor on Friday and then the Perinatologist on Monday. I'm sure there will be more juicy news to share after that. For now I'm going to try and get comfortable on the couch and play some Mario Kart and maybe watch a movie while trying to fall asleep.


Nancy Sabina said...

Oh the drama! Admit it, you're making it all up because you're a drama-junkie. JK.

It'll all turn out OK in the end! Your little angel will come out eventually and be fabulous from day one (how could she not be with an "Aunt" like me?)

Do keep us posted.

Tiffini said...

BBBBLLLLAAAAHHH!!! That is all I have to say about that.

April said...

Shanae!!!!! OH OH OH!!!! I keep reading and it keeps getting sadder!!! I am soo sorry! I will keep you in my prayers. The hospital isn't so bad.....well, it's awful....but it's the best place for you and little bean. Oh boy, I'm anxiously awaiting an update.

Anonymous said...

Dudette, We are all here for you. Praying. Praying. Praying. It will be okay. This is just a small hiccup. You'll be okay. Baby will be just as fabulous as the rest of your family.

Keep us posted or find someone that will!

We all want to know what is happening without calling and driving your family utterly crazy.

Love you! Squishes and prayers.