Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Latest from Room 302

What an exciting 24 hours it has been!

After throwing up a grand total of 6 times yesterday (including on the way to the hospital! I've never had to stop and throw up on the side of the freeway.... haha!), I was sent to the triage of the labor/delivery ward at the hospital. They monitored me and the baby - who was doing fine - and I was having pretty regular contractions. I also was pretty dehydrated. They did some blood work and then, much to our surprise, we were told they would be delivering the baby.

Alan and I were pretty stunned.

We were sent to a labor/delivery room and admitted. The whole time we were like... uh, totally not ready for this! I didn't even bring the camera or pack a bag or anything! Ugh! Plus it is nearly 5 weeks early and that's just scary.

Luckily, the doctor came in and minds had been changed. It looks like I have a bladder infection. My blood pressure has been stable - even low. It was decided to hook me up to an IV and get some fluids in my body - they think the contractions were happening because I was dehydrated. Also, they wanted me to try and eat. I ordered up some 'room service' (haha), got hooked up to the IV, and spent the night trying to get comfortable in a horrible bed not designed for sleeping.

Now the doctor has checked in with us, I'm on antibiotics, and we are waiting to find out if we get to go home. Either way I will for sure deliver early. How early is still in question. I am guessing I will be on bed rest if I get to go home. They are still worried about Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (even though I've only had one high reading since we got here) because of some liver tests.

So, while there are things to report, I feel like there isn't much to report at the same time. We are in a holding pattern and hoping we can go home today. Soren is slightly disappointed that he doesn't get his sister yet, but he also says he knows she is where she needs to be. And I have promised him he will be the first to hold her (after the doctor, nurses, mommy, and daddy of course!).

Once there is more info - I will pass it on! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers! They are so appreciated! And now I must sign off before the battery dies on the laptop. Yeah, we are that prepared . . . . hee hee!


Nancy Sabina said...

I'm so glad you're doing OK. It sounds like you're being optimistic about this and that's good. Everything will be fine. Bed rest or delivery - either way leads to what you want...a baby!
***Sending you love with my mind***

Author said...

AHHHH!!! Why did you decide to move across the country again?! It is so hard to help you when you are that far away! Look at it this way, you'll always have an exciting birth story to tell her and hold over her head for the rest of her life! But I still wish you were closer so that I could at least come see you and keep you company for a little while. Keep posting- after you get your laptop charged, that is- and take super good care of yourself. I can't wait to read the good news!!
love ya,

Merianne said...

What a scare! I'm sure you're just ready to get her out of you, but at the same time the longer she is in you the better. Please keep posting and let us all know how you're doing. I will be praying for you!

April said...

Oh Shanae!!! What a roller coaster. How guilty do I feel that I can't repay the hospital-visiting debt I owe you?? I am so glad you aren't delivering yet; it's still too early. As optimistic as your post sounds, I know how awful the hospital is, even under the best of circumstances. You are in my prayers.