Friday, October 10, 2008

It's Picture Time!

I know I said (over) a week ago that I would get pictures up and I failed miserably. It's not because anything exciting has been going on - on the contrary! Life has been pretty mellow. I hope that after the baby comes I will have more to report, but for now it's just the same stuff everyday. Soren goes to school, Alan goes to work, and little ol' me stays home, pokes around on the computer, watches some TV, tries to get a few things accomplished, and just generally wanders around like a zombie who has not gotten enough sleep! I feel like such a boring blogger lately that I almost want something exciting to happen! But I think I'd really just settle for a few more calm weeks before the storm (aka the baby) takes over.

I did have some fun yesterday, though! I got my hair done! It has been ages since I had it done - almost a year, really. So it was about time. And I decided to go a little crazy, with the help of my friend who also likes to go a little crazy sometimes. We make an exciting pair when we decide to be really crazy, let me tell ya! So here I am:

No, you aren't seeing things. I went lighter. A LOT lighter. Like, I'm nearly blonde in the highlights. It's so strange, but so fun! And I know I can go back to her right before the baby comes and get touch ups or go a completely different direction. And the great thing about it is - we trade. So I do web design stuff for her husband or I babysit her kids and I get my hair done! I love that! It's all going to take some getting used to - I looked in the mirror quite a few times yesterday in confusion - but I am pretty sure I like it. My parents (even my DAD who HATES it when I cut my hair) really like it and Alan does as well. Even Soren does, and he's a boy of routine and structure - he is not a big fan of change.

And now for the belly pics. The quality isn't great - I was using my web cam (just decided to try it out for the first time yesterday haha), but you get the general hugeness of it all.

32 1/2 weeks:

Some people have said I don't look like I'm 6 or 7 weeks away but trust me when I say - I FEEL 6 or 7 weeks away. I have my first doctors appointment since the move today and am kinda nervous - which is going to do wonders for my blood pressure. I am going to asked to be induced simply because of how far away the hospital is from us but also because I'm a chicken and need my drugs. I say need not for the pain, but for my reaction to people bothering me in that area of my body. It will be better for everyone involved (including the baby) if I just don't really know what's going on. Some people might wander how I ever got through any of the infertility procedures we did, but the truth of the matter is, I thing Heavenly Father had a huge hand in that because in normal circumstances I would not have been able to do it. So here's hoping for an induction date of Nov. 24th!!! I'll keep y'all posted.

Ok, time for me to get some food and get ready to go meet my new doctor! Wish me luck!


Jen said...

way cute! And your hair is too! I'm glad you're able to relax before the craziness starts. Thanks for the tummy shots!

Tiffini said...

What a cute pregnant belly! Hope the doctor's appointment went well.

Nancy Sabina said...

You look faabulous daarhling! I think the lighter color suits you.

I can't believe you're just finally able to see the Dr. Don't worry about the birth - Heavenly Father isn't going to bail on you now. He got you through all this, he'll take you through the end.

Excuse me? Do I have your phone number? I just got a hankering to call you and realized I don't think I have your number! How rude! Email it to me.

Happy Wanderers said...

Nice!!! I love the belly shots... :) And I completely understand the need to do strange things with your hair! :) I've been really tempted to get highlights and stuff. Instead, I just chopped it all off. That's fun, though, that you trade for hair-do's! Can I come, too?

Author said...

Love the hair and the belly pictures! I can't believe she will be here in only 6-7 weeks. That will go by so fast. Can't wait to see this beautiful little girl.


Missy said...

Looks like your lil' nipper is growing well!

Lindsi said...

Hey!!!! I found you!!! Welcome home!!! I know I'm way late. Such is my life. I'm so lazy and get updated by your parents and Blake and Sarah, but congrats on the prenancy! That is soooo awesome!

April said...

Your hair is gorgeous, your belly is gorgeous, and I can't wait to see your new little gorgeous girl :-)

Jackie Skousen said...

You look way cute, and so does your belly. Thank you for the note I got in the mail. I'm glad to see you and baby are doing well.